Adapting Last things Last to the Yellow King RPG

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  • Reading time:12 mins read

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In 2021, in the prime of my consumerism in terms of RPGs, I bought many games; some were immediately put to action, others calmly waited until I had any the right group to play. You can imagine then how happy I was to play this month I played the Yellow King RPG, by Robin D. Laws.

The game is focused on investigation, and themed around Reality Horror. It comes with 4 books, each with a different scenario, using the same rules, and it even incentivizes a campaign that sprawls though all these alternate realities. It's crazy!

The game's proposal won completely won me, and I decided then I'd only play a campaign if I could do this overarching story, which led to the long wait to play. Eventually, I had the obvious realization that it's much easier to convince a group to play the giant campaign if they tried something simple before. I decided then to do an introductory session as a one-shot, to display the themes of the game, and as such attempt to convince them to continue the story.

In parallel, in my adventures in Reddit and others, searching for more and more to read on and play, I ran into Delta Green. I must say it took too long, considering my first RPG was Call of Cthulu, its cousin. The intro adventure for this game is Last Things Last, and it is exceptional. It has everything I could want: a simple structure for investigation, but with space for expansion, interesting narrative hooks, and a moral dillema that concludes the scenario in a bizarre way.

Instead of creating my own one-shot for the Yellow King from scratch, I decided to adapt Last Things Last; here's my experience!

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Welcome back!

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  • Reading time:8 mins read

It's been a minute. I, myself, had no clue of how much I missed the blog until, mid 2024, I started to think about renewing the Domain, if it was worth it, if the Arts had perished, etc.

It hasn't. And it certainly is worth it.

For those reasons, I'd like to share a few news about the blog.

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